Healthcare Captive Insurance
Captive insurance is a valuable management tool for risk-minded companies and organizations in the healthcare industry.
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Flexibility and Control in Managing Risk
- Targeted coverage: Unnecessary coverage that is included in standard insurance policies can be eliminated, and coverage for specific exposures of the group can be included.
- Increased control of claims payment: The captive sets the terms of payments, rather than an outside insurer that may or may not see coverage in the same way as the insured entity.
- Increased control over investment income.
- Reduced costs: The profit portion of the premium that would go to the traditional insurer is eliminated.

The Expertise You Need
It takes considerable knowledge and expertise to design a client-based program, identify the right structure, assess suitable retention levels and access the right reinsurance, and develop a client-driven underwriting and claims philosophy. And once the captive is up and running, you need an expert to manage and administer the program, comply with regulations, and prepare financial statements.

Trust You Can Rely On
We are a trusted advisor with the agility to safely navigate the sometimes-uncharted waters of the alternative market. Our team has worked with thousands of clients that have benefited from our technical know-how in forming and administering a captive, along with our resourcefulness in accessing the best reinsurance program to support a captive.

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